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Influencer Marketing: How much digital media do you consume daily? It’s tough to say for sure. And the following issue is much trickier: how much of that material inspires trust, especially when purchasing a product or service?
What is Influencer Marketing?
Influencer marketing is a strategy that takes advantage of the Popularity, reaches or reliability of personalities on online platforms to influence consumers’ consumption habits and purchase decisions.
What is Influencer Marketing for?
An influencer is a person with constant activity on social networks that influences a group of followers or users. This is due to their lifestyle, beliefs, or values being perceived as desirable. Because these people build a long-term following with quality, engaging content, their audience trusts the messages they deliver.
One compensation for this type of strategy is that it is easy to identify with the influencers. It is much easier for them to create a sense of empathy with buyers since they are people with whom they constantly interact. For them, their opinions become highly respectable.
tips for Implementing Influencer Marketing
1. Give Products and Services
One of the easiest habits to get your brand in front of potential customers is to get the right influencers to use your product or service. To achieve this mission, you must identify bloggers and social media users who have things in common with your brand. If they love the products and services they receive, they are more likely to share positive feedback about their experience with their readers and visitors.
The first step to follow is to research to find the ideal Influencer since the audience of this collaborator must be interested in your message. For example, if you work for a company that manufactures car parts, it would be illogical to use a fashion blogger.
Whether you offer a tour of your company’s facilities or a free product, you should work with influencers who create high-quality content. The goal is to get a clear message about your brand more shared.
2. Don’t get Carried away by the Popularity
It is important to note that giving away products and services does not guarantee publicity. While many influencers accept gifts, this does not necessarily mean that they will make their opinion of the product known. In fact, in addition to the freebies they get, some prefer to get paid to talk about the products.
Gather information about your reach, audience, and how the Influencer will benefit from collaborating with you. If you have the necessary resources, you must balance the investment and the scope that associating yourself with this public figure may have. Remember that the best influencers are in high demand, so be prepared to answer their question: “what’s in it for me?”
On the contrary, this scenario may sound complicated for companies that do not have a large budget to pay for advertising. If this is you, don’t be afraid to start small.
Keep in intelligence that not all influencers are celebrities. Many figures of this type barely have a few thousand followers. If you have identified one of them with the exact audience to promote your brand, do not dismiss them just because they do not have a large number of followers. Remember that greater visibility does not necessarily lead to sales.
3. Keep in Touch with the Influencer
Communication is essential throughout the process of finding and collaborating with an influencer. If you don’t have the resources to pay them or can’t offer them too many products, contact the personality before you send them anything. This will avoid bothering the Influencer and confirm that your effort will not be in vain.
Additionally, you will need to detail the marketing operation from the beginning. Influencers often create content that involves a product and does not positively impact the brand image. If you want to use its Popularity to convince the audience about the advantages of your product, you better draw up an action plan so that they know how to communicate your vision, values , and corporate identity.
Remember that sending the product to an influencer does not guarantee any mention since you must first create a connection and nurture the relationship. Once the product’s publication, entry, or comment has been made, it is necessary that you close the deal and, in case it has been a good collaboration, that you keep the possibility of collaboration open.
4. Sponsor Publications
This type of content allows brands to work without trying too hard. A sponsored post is the content about a specific brand that an influencer disseminates on their digital platforms (whether blogs or social media accounts) through the characteristic use of their style of humour in exchange for payment. Collaborating with influencers on these posts can be a great way to build recognition and gain valuable links from authoritative domains.
While you can send them important information that you’d like them to cover in the post. Letting them write or generate the content in their voice can maintain consistent interest among your audience.
In some countries, like the US, influencers must include a notice when their posts have been sponsored. These clarifications intend to communicate that the opinions expressed in the publication are the author’s own. Be sure to include these notes to comply with regulatory frameworks. And share that the content’s opinion is genuine and autonomous.
5. Ask for Honest Feedback on Products
While this technique often obtain by giving away merchandise. Product reviews that influencers create about your brand can effectively convince potential customers to purchase your product or service.
Keep in mind that these public figures owe their success to the relationships they build with their content consumers. So you shouldn’t demand a specific type of material or opinion. If they give a biased comment. You can affect the public reception of your brand and reduce the trust that consumers place in the Influencer. Remember that honesty will help you improve your products and put the consumer at your operations centre.
Despite this, you must ensure that your brand presents with a favourable image. It is impossible to prevent an influencer from posting a negative comment about your product or service. But if you check the words he has made about other brands. You will have an idea about the style he will use to talk about yours. If you tend to present an unreceptive opinion about the type of product your brand offers. It may be better to find another public figure.